Sunday, January 4, 2009

Advices for you Google Adwords Campaigns...

Create a Google Adwords campaign only takes a few minutes and it can quickly bring many visitors. As against when we start talking about profitability and qualified visitors, it is more difficult to know exactly what the performance of its campaigns and especially if its current campaign is well designed or is shaky ...

That is why we offer you this file in 2 parts, detailing how to create and optimize a Google AdWords campaign.

We will take a "real" example with a campaign already done to publicize a site for vacation rentals in Brittany This example is especially interesting, which is part of a current situation with a campaign carried out "amateur", which will highlight what is currently the most novices on Adwords.

However this example will be some constraints: it will not attract as many people, but to observe a maximum budget per day. Indeed, the site offers only 3 vacation rentals in Brittany, the supply is relatively low. In addition, apartments are subject to strong seasonality (see Google Trends and Google especially Insight), and we must take into account the rate of filling of rentals resulting from the campaign (eg should be used keywords to avoid negative research on periods already booked, promoting rents with 9 people when those 4 will be full ...).

On the other hand we have other constraints as not to redo the site (though it deserves!). We are going to spend a budget of more than 2 to 4 € / day between May and August (for a subscription to a "classic" ad vacation rentals), and only in the second part of this File that we optimize a specific landing page for ads Google Adwords. In the meantime we will send prospects or on the home page (generic ad) or on different locations depending on the targeted keyword (house 4 people, 9 people ...), although it should not do if we really want to optimize their ads (you must always a home page specifically designed for Google Adwords).
Why use Google Adwords?

Prior to launch, here are some figures about the importance of a campaign keyword:
- 30% of visits a website listed on Google from the listings.
- 70% comes from natural search, but among them 10% to 15% mistakenly landing site page.

We must therefore accept that campaigns sponsored keywords are complementary to natural search, and should therefore use these tools.
As against, unlike the natural search, Google Adwords is an advertising medium where you have full control of text to be displayed, the page where readers are landing ...

In this case we will only discuss setting up Google Adwords ads on the pages of search engine results from Google, not the ads in the affiliated sites that display Google ads "Adsense".

Indeed optimizing Adsense ads are specific (you must make bids on keywords generic and sometimes a little distant from its products, and build on a strategy of volume). Moreover it is generally much less profitable to publish ads on Adsense because there is a click fraud much more important.
How does Google Adwords?

It's very simple:
- Google on tape in a key word
- We get a list of results, with 8 on the right links.

If there are more than 8 people positioned on these keywords, a link "More links" is displayed. Of course if you're one of those ads displayed on the first page, your breakdown of page views is not taken into account. The ads that appear at the top of the search window "natural" links called "Premium" (1 to 3 links), they are generally much more click than other ads.

Here are the general principle for the creation of a Google ad:

1 - You set the keywords for which you want to show your ad.
2 - You write the ad text, with the title, two description lines, the address of the page that appears to users and page where they will land.
3 - You set your maximum budget to spend per day and the price you agree to pay for each click a link on your (NB: If this amount is not large enough to show Google will warn you).
4 - Your ad appears on Google within a few hours, with a ranking which will depend on several factors:
- The amount you pay per click: the more you pay, the more you're high.
- The rate of clicks on your ad: more users click on your ad, the more you're high.
- The domain name, keywords on the homepage, the number of inactive keywords in your Ad Group (nb: since August 21 keywords are no longer marked as inactive, they are always " viewable "but with very few clicks ...), the loading time of your landing page ... They are appointed by the Google" Quality Score ", ie the adequacy of your advertising report Indicators Google.
- The history of your Google Adwords: If you're an older customer and good customer, you will be promoted in relation to a person who has just opened an account.

To access the top spots so you must juggle several factors: pay more per click, optimize the landing page, offer a message seller that will trigger a higher CTR ...

Warning! At the launch of your campaign that you have taken on two factors: the quality of your ad (home page, domain name ...) and the amount of your bid. Only after the campaign that CTR will really very important. As discussed below, it will be essential to manage these two elements from the start of the announcement.

Here is the method we will follow to implement our campaign Google Adwords

1 - Defining the overall structure of Google Adwords campaigns (the main themes).
2 - Choose keywords and phrases.
3 - Creating Ads.
4 - Establishment of the campaign live for 30 seconds to see the positioning of keywords, quality keywords, the minimum bet.
5 - Consolidate more finely keywords and campaigns by groups of keywords (keywords stars ...).
6 - Optimization ads and landing pages according to the new groups.
7 - Monitoring and optimizing campaigns.

But first you must create a Google Adwords, it only takes a few seconds ... Once that is done, you can go its optimization ...

Get Google Adwords Editor.

It is essential to use Google Adwords Editor, even if you do not have thousands of keywords to manage or several hundred dollars budget campaign. Indeed Google Adwords Editor is free and will allow you to save time in managing your campaign.

The advantages of using Google Adwords Editor are many:
- Able to manage your campaigns without logging on
- To drag and drop and copy and paste keywords, text ads ...
- To research automated duplicate keywords
- To import a few seconds dozens of keywords
- To obtain a list of deficiencies of your campaigns (duplicate keywords where you are your own competition ...).
- Make changes by lots of keywords additions, deletions ... with the possibility of canceling mishandling.
- Amend the CPC on the fly for keywords in the sorting according to various criteria (CPC to pay, total clicks ...).
- To consolidate similar keywords into campaigns.
- To increase as a percentage of all ads ...
- To add comments to campaigns
- Easily add multiple ads for a campaign
- To export its keywords easily to other solutions sponsored keywords (Microsoft Ad Center, Yahoo ...).
- ...

Google Adwords Editor also provides tools for optimizing campaign practices, such as find all keywords with a click rate of very low or nonexistent:

google adwords-editor -

Then increase / automatically reduce the amount bet on a percentage or an amount to make them active:


Indeed, if you only use Google Adwords on-line, it quickly becomes tedious to manually change the price of each keyword, optimize campaigns ...

Google Adwords Tip: note the changes you made during your tests in comments ... In fact a small change leads sometimes very important (ex: putting caps, change the ad title ...). But when 2 days after you see that the campaign is improving (or worse), you do not remember sometimes the changes you've made.

Google Adwords Tip: If you are provider, and you want to send a report on your Google Adwords campaigns to a customer, use the HTML export Google Adwords Editor (Put yourself in a campaign, then right-click and choose "Export to HTML). If against you ask a customer change his own campaign, choose the File menu> Export for Sharing "so that he can access himself to his campaign.
What price to pay for a keyword?

The same question comes up often ... Nevertheless, although it is difficult to give precise figures, we can estimate that to be in the top positions for keywords that are not competitive must have at least € 0.10 / click, knowing that to be generally well placed to pay between 0.15 and 0.25 € / click. For keywords rather competitive (vacation, scholarship, SEO version of events ....) Pay 1 to 2 € is common, and the ultra-competitive keywords (to Robien Law, ...) the cost can reach between 4 and 8 €!

In our example rental site of holiday rentals in Brittany, the cost per click (CPC) is between € 0.04 and € 0.8, with a strong majority to 0.15 €. Thus figures for a conventional Adwords campaign.

However it should be noted that generally the budget you set out to be very different from what you after a few weeks / months ...

Indeed you will be the effect of "miracle" Google Adwords and you invest more money to generate more and more CA, or your ad will not attract the crowds and you spend a small part your budget or your ad will attract few people and you will have to increase your bids.

Moreover, even if your campaign generates traffic that does not mean it works well, in fact it is possible that you overpay the cost per click ...
Define the objective of your campaign and your break-even

Before embarking on the creation of the campaign, we must define what are the objectives of the campaign: attracting only hot prospects, recruit heavily prospects, sell stocks at any price promo ... taking into account seasonality of your (sales, periods to overactivity and under activity ...).

So by thinking about what you want to do with Google Adwords and tools you currently have to attract customers (exclusive product, price special free guide ...).

Your strategy may be:
- Get details of prospects and then recalled to the sale.
- Make a sale process in 2 phases: draw with free (buying guide, White ...) and then to sell.
- Selling its products directly to hot prospects.
- Bringing up people on its site, even if targeting is not perfect.
- Attracting that people who want to buy your product at your price and let the price discount to your competitors.
- Making a product that will appeal to price to sell then a more expensive product
- ....

Then you must know how far we are willing to pay for 1 in calculating its customer acquisition cost (and profitability). This step will set limits for its auctions, as we shall see later, initially it will agree to invest money (and sometimes lost) and then win over the medium term.

The cost of customer acquisition = (sum of expenditure marketing / nb new customers acquired)

Advertising & marketing expenses (magazine advertising, PR ...) = 20 000 €
Number of clients acquired: 10 000
Current acquisition cost: 20 000 / 10 000 = 20 €

Average profitability on a customer's life = (CA through a client within 3 years) x margin means.
To calculate the average HA 3 years, calculate the average CA customers the 1st year, see CA on average 2nd year of these customers and 3 years ...
nb: 3 years is already a good life for a client, you can take 1, 2, 4 or 5 years if you want to project in the longer term.

CA client:
- Year 1: 120 €
- 2 year loss of 15% of customers and CA identical: 120 x 0.85
- Year 3 CA identical loss and still 15% of clients acquired: (120 x 0.72)
With a 30% margin = TOTAL IC 3 years 308.4 x 0.30 = € 92.52 € for 1 margin client throughout his life.

Attention we are talking about gross margin, but we must not forget that your line will also pay all fixed costs (electricity, taxes, wages, social security ...).

It must also take into account that all prospects do not control: if eg 1 prospect in 10 buys a product on your website will require 10 times more leads than customers. So 1 client will cost you 10 clicks on Google Adwords.

Note: you can possibly take into account the orders of people who are already customers who pass through, therefore google and you re-cost more money ...

Once that is done you will know how you relate a customer, and what you can invest money to recruit a prospect. You can go to the definition of keywords.

Important: With Google Adwords, the interest is that the price per click is very affordable. So you can very well you pass this step of calculating profitability, and focus directly few dozen euros in test and then draw the consequences on the rate of processing, CA generated ... and refine your real-time strategy Google Adwords.
Set the main themes of your campaigns

For a good quality score of your ads you need to create campaigns and ad groups highly structured:


Campaign Theme 1
Group 1A keywords
Group 1B keywords
Campaign Theme 2
Group 2A keywords
Group keywords 2B

For example in the campaign's initial, there were only 2 campaign:
- 1 for the houses of 4.
- 1 for homes 8 people.
With each of these campaigns dozens of keywords, including some duplicates (do not do, otherwise you are going to compete your own ads), some inactive (or misplaced), a cost per click almost identical to each ads ...

In this example, we need to change that and create as many groups as there are themes:
Location depending on the number of people
- Rental 3 people
- Rental 4 people
- Location 5 people
- Rental 6 people
- Rental 7 people
- Rent 8 people
- ...
Location as places
- Rental Britain
- Rental Finistère
- Rental southern Finistère
- Rental Fouesnant
- Rental Beg-Meil
- ...

Vacation rentals at Sea
- Vacation rentals
- Rental Wednesday
- Rental beach
- ...

We will see then that these core categories should be optimized (and it will create much more) but these main themes will guide you to create your categories of keywords.
Set your list of keywords

Depending on the purpose of your campaign (recruit a maximum of hot prospects, get a maximum of contacts ...), your list of keywords and phrases may be between 300 (targeting strategy) or more from 3000 (recruitment strategy).

When you search for keywords you must use all options to choose appearance of keywords. Here's the basic syntax used when you choose your keywords for a term

* = Keyword your ad will appear when those keywords are displayed, regardless of the order, the number ...
* [Keyword] = your ad will appear only when those keywords are typed in the exact order, and if nothing else has been typed by the user.
* "Keyword" = if your ad will appear in the keywords typed by the user there are words in the same order (or not in combination with other keywords).
* = Key-word searches excluded that keyword (nb: you can combine with [] and "").

Google Adwords Tip: contrary to what one may think, the accents are included in Google Adwords. The term "rental house in August" and "rental house in August" will display different ads. As against the punctuation (the " '", "" ...) and capitalization are not taken into account.

Here is how to generate your keyword list:

Step 1: Create your catalog with the primary keywords most common.

This step (which may be long) is essential for the success of your campaign must therefore prepare:
- List the names, adjectives, properties, profits, problems solved ... for your products.
- Make a brainstorming with your commercial, the hot line, the technical service ... to hear the words used by customers to describe your products and they meet the needs and problems they solve.
- Take a tour in forums dedicated to list the keywords used by your target (we see later that Google Adwords can crawl sites to retrieve the keywords used).
- List the keywords used by your competitors on their website: view the source of their HTML page (View> Source in Firefox) and look at the Title tags, keywords ...
- Make a mining words typed into a search engine to your website (if any) or in your statistics Google Analytics. It is even possible to export results to CSV format for inclusion in your Google Adwords campaigns and thus avoid tedious copying and pasting. Just show all the keywords, then choose Export (nb: Google Analytics exports what you display on the screen, so be sure not to display 500 keywords, and if necessary to repeat this operation on each ... statistics page).

- Ask your customers and prospects how they call your products, what they have typed into a search engine to find your products ...
- List synonyms of your products and the benefits (see our article on the creation of brand names).
- List the name of your product (your brand), composition (if specific), their nicknames, generic terms, the names of the company ...
- ...

For example, in the case of keyword searching primary had been limited to a mere brainstorming, without searching for keywords from the sites of competitors vacation rentals, or synonymous terms as "rental" ( eg there was no word on key "cottage" while it is a word that was used by tenants and websites) ...

Google Adwords Tip: If you do not have Google Analytics and you want to know the keywords your visitors use Google to land on your website just install the search engine Google on your site ( Google Adsense).

Note: Regarding trademarks, check with your suppliers if you have the right to use them. In fact more and more manufacturers prohibit the use of their brands with some distributors who make their competition ... If your side you have a competitor uses your trademark as a keyword, you must first send an email warning to the company fraudulently using your brand (and no reply a letter). If this does not, you can simply send an email to Google Adwords with proof of filing your brand and if you've found (keyword issue, the announcement, the URL of the fraudster ...) and limiting the right to use the mark (all users or grant a limited number of distributors). For more information see our article on fraudulent use of the word emailing.

Google Adwords Tip: It is very interesting to have domain names with major keywords (even. Eu,. ... Net). Indeed, this will increase the quality score of his announcement, and in addition it can display in the announcement of additional keywords in bold. For example, to we also bought the keyword "" to target those ads.
Ideally we need to complement the natural search on the keywords most wanted, creating content pages on these specific keywords in your website and / or optimize your existing pages.

To see which keywords are most important, you can use Google Search for Insight. In a few tens of minutes you are able to identify the keywords most important and require the purchase of domain name or be grouped in a particular campaign.

For example, in the case of, we can see which keywords with volumes of research highlights:


One can see that the keyword "rentals Brittany is a cyclical keyword (peak demand from May to July), and that your most important keyword is" location Brittany, while the keyword "locations Brittany and "Brittany vacation rentals" are very few keywords searched.

At the regional level, we can see that it is Britain that the keyword is the most requested, then Normandy and the Loire Valley. Thus neighboring regions that are the most requested locations.

As against, we must be careful to analyze these figures in relation to your market. For example, under the site of vacation rentals, it is in fact very few customers come from Britain. The majority of clients are from other regions. It will therefore take into account these regions in the negative keywords and targeting (we shall see in the last stage).

Moreover Insight for Google search suggests additional keywords for your campaign. Of course you can now include in your list because they are keywords with a lot of research, but we will see later that there is a more powerful tool to increase your keyword list.

To end the use of google insight, the number of research per month is information that can be interesting to assess the potential clicks certain keywords relative to each other: if an expression is highly sought (thousands / months), you may need to expect many clicks (and therefore a big budget) or make filters for displays that focused on expressions (see below).

Google Adwords Tip: To quickly see if a keyword is very competitive simply typing in the search engine Google to see how it yad'annonces sponsored links ... If less than 5 ads on the 1st page c 'Keyword is a little competitive, where 2 pages of ads is a keyword difficult ... and more than 20 Adwords advertising you can be sure that we will have to pay dearly departing ...

Step 2: Increase the number of your keywords with Google Keyword Tool.

Once you have your initial list (at least a hundred words and phrases), you must use generators keywords such as Google Keyword Tool to detect keywords derived from your main list.

Since November, a second tool "Google Base Search Keyword Tool" which is totally independent and more practice, is available.

Here are some other tools suggestions for additional keywords:
- Http://
- Http://
- Http://
- Http:// (irrelevant for French words)
- ...

No. Do not forget to check the synonyms in generating keywords.

The interest is that these tools give you the estimated volumes of research for each keyword (unless it is research that is almost never typed) and a long list of suggested keywords (you can add in a few seconds).

In all cases, these tools will save you a lot of work and so you'll be sure not to pass through the main keywords in the market. We must identify all the keywords "stars" (those who are in high demand) for the deal from the outset part of the other via a dedicated group of ads (in our case it is "location Brittany).

For the potential of each keyword, you can use to forecast traffic of Google. This allows you to estimate the budget you have to pay to a minimum.

In this example, one can see that for those 3 keywords "vacation rentals Britain", [vacation rentals Britain] and vacation rentals Britain, it comes at a cost per click of 0.15 € to be in the top positions ... This information is interesting, but we will see later how to decide the amount payable during the initial setup of the campaign.

The tool also allows the automatic generation of additional keywords to add to his campaigns.
To do this, simply take its first list of keywords, extract the main keywords to generate additional keywords related.

What is interesting is to have the approximate volume of searches for those keywords, and so what are the keywords of interest. For keywords with a large volume of research, it is essential to create groups of ads in order to manage them separately.

In our example, create a group for "Rent Britain" which include the keywords "location Britain" and "locations Britain" because it is the strategic keywords: these are the keywords most searched while being targeted . Other keywords are being too few in terms of research, is too generic.

This tool also gives you a good idea of what you will eventually pay (if you have a budget of 200 € / month, you can see what might be the amount payable to spend this budget).

The tool also allows you to see competition on keywords, identifying those with less competition, allowing you to have better positioning for a lower cost (eg "apartment rental Britain" is a word key with more research that "villa rentals Britain" and with a level of competition low).

What is interesting is to add a few seconds keyword phrase or exact terms (see below), and to add 1 click to your Google Adwords campaigns.

Google Adwords Tip: it is essential to remember that these are the keywords that generate most wanted the most complaints. It is therefore essential to be visible to those keywords with high volume, under penalty of getting too few clicks per day (unless you find a traffic hyperciblé). However your targeted keywords are still very interesting because they target hot prospects. Therefore these two strategies mixer (volume and value).

Google Adwords Tip: If you have hundreds (or thousands) of keywords at the establishment of a campaign, you may be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task ... it is advisable in this case launch as groups of keywords to manage more finely and especially to detect the keywords most important.

Step 3: Add expressions targeted.

During the first two steps you've generated a list of keywords rich, but often poorly targeted.

So you must enrich it with combinations of keywords and phrases that you can more precisely target prospects to attract only hot prospects.

For example if you sell software, you "software management", "software", "purchasing software", "research management software" ...

In our example vacation rentals in Brittany, take derivatives of the term "vacation rentals" by adding:
- The geography: "Fouesnant rental house", "Cape rental house coz" ...
- Criteria temporal: "rental home septembre", "rental house in August", "rental house in August ...
- Criteria behavioral "house rent holidays", "rent house Fouesnant" ...
- Mix all of these "vacation home rentals Britain in September" ...
- Sentences complete research location holiday in Brittany "

Google Adwords Tip: With the No. 1 step you have themes for your expressions. We need them in sheets of an MS Excel ®. It is very useful to take the keywords and expression in a column, and add automatically via copy and paste additional elements.

For example, you can copy and paste directly behind your keyword phrases "9 people":
Rental Brittany 9 people
Vacation rentals 9 people
Location was 9 people

Of course, the more you add keywords in an expression, more specifically targeting the needs leads, and you will pay dearly click ... But this can be very profitable: in fact there are 3 or 4 years Internet tended to type 1 to 2 words in the search engines to find information, or the last few years more and more research is done on 3, 4 or 5 words. It is therefore not hesitate to add your keywords in basic expressions of several keywords.

It is very important to integrate words and action verbs associated with the act of buying or seeking information about your product. For example if you sell products add the words "buy, buy," "find", "research" ... your keywords. Indeed these terms allow you to appear on keywords searched by hot prospects.

Finally, using expressions of 4 or 5 words you will focus on expressions less competition than generic terms. Indeed there are hundreds of companies that build the word "car insurance", but only a few dozen for "car insurance 207", and a handful insurance 207 car Nantes.

In our example vacation rentals, you use the principle of creating cascading keywords:

Vacation rentals
Rent Britain
Brittany vacation home rentals
Vacation house rentals Britain 4 people
Vacation house rentals Brittany September 4 people

Google Adwords Tips: Use typos (paste the words, reverse letters), spelling errors ... but only on your main keywords (as it is a waste of time!).
In our example is add keywords: "location bretagen" "location bertagne" ...
The words "mistakes" must be managed in a campaign, because they will generate very little research.

Tip Google Adwords Editor: It is easy to add hundreds of keywords. Just go in the Keywords tab / make some changes, and copy / paste your keywords. To save time, it is interesting to specify before in the columns of the CPC Excel file, the type of request. We need to import preferably as a keyword "Correct." Once that is done we need to sort keywords valid, exotic ...

Google Adwords Tip: Use the principle of the cluster bomb for competitive keywords. Indeed it is very difficult to fight against large companies on certain keywords. So as cluster bombs, dropping many small bombs to be sure of reaching the goal. To do this you must choose keywords strongly related to keyword principal, but more focused.
Ex: entrepreneur, creator company to the individual creator betting company, creator service company, guide for business creation, business creation easy ...
Ex: costume: costume marriage, burial suit, cheap suit, tie costume ...

Step No. 4: Use negative keywords to improve your CTR

As we have seen in the introduction positioning depends on the price bet, the landing page, but click rate (CTR). It must show only that the contacts.

For this you need to define keywords and sites negative, it means that your ads will not appear when those keywords are typed into search engines.

The most typical is the word "free": if you sell a service, you can choose not to display search on your keywords and the word free.

Another typical example is "student": Internet being used heavily by students seeking information for their records a good number of requests very targeted are nevertheless totally useless because they n'attireront that people have not afford (or desire!) to buy your services ...

In our case we had seen that many searches for "rental Britain" came from Brittany. It is clear that a large part of those seeking philosophy was to find locations for the year (not holiday). It must remove displays research from the UK via regional targeting.

We must also remove all displays related to research locations or annual holidays in other cities and departments of Brittany, hits to avoid unnecessary people looking specifically for vacation rentals in other towns of Brittany. Therefore, in our example, we have also removed all notions of research on rental Vannes, Brest, Auray, Rennes ... and other regions of France (South of France, Ardèche ...).

Finally, in the establishment of the ad, add a restriction to France and the French language (but this had been done during the initial campaign site location).

In a second optimization of the Google Adwords campaign, it might be possible to create specific campaigns for example English (targeting England, with announcement in English and keywords in English).

For more information about using negative keywords you can visit Google.

Google Adwords Tip: Type "allinanchor:" followed by the keyword of your choice on Google, and so you get a list of all pages that contain the keyword as a link. Then each result one by one and find all the links with the keyword that redirect to your competitors. Very useful to know which keywords to use the various offers on the market ...

Google Adwords Tip: To avoid unnecessary clicks, remember to add words not related to the purchase as a "service", "problem", "defective" ... unless of course you do troubleshooting. Some resellers have also understood using keywords like error messages to sell their services and repair the problems identified.
Create ads pushing for action.

Now that all keywords have been defined, we must now turn to writing ads. There are several types of ads google:
- Ad texts: the more conventional and easier to implement
- Ad-type images (eg 120-square ...) which require the intervention of a designer.
- The Geographical type ads (ads on Google Maps).

In this example we will present the type of ad text, and the second part of the file "Google Adwords" we will see how to place ads picture.

A Google AdWords text ad can be broken down as follows:

Title: 25 characters
Line 1: 35 characters
Line 2: 35 characters
Link seen by Internet users: 35 characters
Link to your site: 1024 characters

According to a study réfé, 13% of clicks would be bound under 55% in the first line, 23% in the second line and 1% in the visible URL. Nevertheless, the results of this study are to be taken with tweezers, because experience shows that we must make every item in the Google ad.

Here is an example of ad that works correctly:

The title and the 1 must repeat the keyword to convince the user that matches your ad to search.
Line 2 is to reassure the Internet, explain why your product is different from your competitors, and possibly present a bonus (free guide ...) or exclusivity (promo, price ...).

For the title:
- Reminder of keywords typed by the user (here "Location Britain")
- Guilty on "vacation" to keep 25 characters.
- All first letters of words in capital letters (as well as other key words of the announcement, including the URL).
Line 1:
- Reminder of the keyword ( "Britain")
- Presentation of filtering and essential elements of the ad ( "House 4")
Line 2:
- Add the numbers because many people are sensitive to factual (150M), and indicate the element differentiator compared to other ads (close to the sea).
- The telephone number for prompt action. In addition it allows any user to call without clicking.
- Add keywords in the URL (here "BretagneLocations").

In the case of an ad with the sale of products, it is possible to play on other springs:

Title: Reminder keyword the ad (accounting software SMEs). Last capitalized key words.
Line 1: Reminder of competitive advantage (99 € and postage included), and call to action with the word "promo in September.
Line 2: Incitement to click through a free book offered a reminder of the word accountant.
URL: Keywords are recalled in the URL (accounting SMEs) and the Promo ( "/ promo").

The positioning "promo" appears clearly with the word promo 2 times (line 1 and URL), plus the reference price (which allows you to filter candidates). Moreover, the September promo mention can indicate a sense of urgency for a call to action.

The announcement meets the expectations of different types of customers: the emotional (For SMEs, guide held accountable ...) and factual with numbers (99 €, ... September). In addition prices have the merit of attracting attention, and the word "Available" should attract undecided.

Note: this announcement could be improved because the keywords are not the same everywhere (accounting, bookkeeping, accounting). Nevertheless, the root "account" appear several times in bold.

Remember however that there are no absolute rules for writing an ad, it must be especially readable and attractive, but it always leads to action. You can here many styles of titles, including the following:
- Verbs with the imperative call to action: Pay less ... Do ...
- The narrative of product: Stay Mexico 350 €
- Question to the Internet: backache?
- The text that dream: The experience of your life!
- Problem: Tired of paying taxes? ...
- A benefit "Pay less tax!", "Save money!" ...

For lines of text, it must simply give the reader want to know more and therefore to click.

To get a better rate of return is usually distinguish itself from its competitors by making 1 characteristic before, a special bonus, an exclusive specialty ...

There are a few tricks as "click here", "stock", "Latest stock", "Promo special", "Jury Prize XXX", "No. 1 sales", "official website", "distributor Official "," limited supply "," Last Pieces "," limited quantity "," delivery in 24 hours "," 1 gift "," 1 purchased, 1 free "... that work very well to encourage click!

For the URL there are several options:
- Simply put the name of your site / keyword / or product concerned:
- To a URL with the product or profit:
Both options are interesting, the second being particularly useful if you want to put forward a particular keyword in the ad.

Google Adwords Tip: Avoid superlatives, exclamation points, while texts capital ... which are censored by Google.

Google Adwords Tips: Do not hesitate to target ads for a better CTR: "For women", "Men", "Special child - 18 months" ...

Google Adwords Tips: Simplify your ad text, delete the "The" "in" ... which are not indispensable to understanding the message. But let possibly "You", "Your" ... that customize the message. For example, in ads for locations we have gone from "vacation rentals" with "Your holiday in Brittany." It is also possible to let some spelling mistakes in your texts to get below the maximum limit.

Google Adwords Tip: Try special characters to distinguish ads from those of your competitors, for example • to separate words or + = - ...? , ^, ¢, £ ¤ ¥ §, ¬, ° ±, º ø, þ ... A symbol very interesting to use it ®, because the "Copyright", especially if you are the official distributor of a product. As against it is prohibited to use ~ | * ....

When testing your ads, there are some elements that may seem minor, but that can make a difference. For example, is change the titles by putting capitalization for the first few letters, change the word order ...

Google Adwords Tip: Try ads with ... "at the end descriptions to think about the user that there is more choice than the ad and give him desire to know more.

annnonce-example-google adwords -

Remember that you do not have to fill all characters in the ads, test ads also very short.

It is important to make the watch regularly and watch what your competitors to copy the good ideas. To identify the ads that work well, just out advertisements in climbing very quickly, it means that the person has staked a significant amount, or that advertising is strongly clicked!

Google Adwords Tip: usually when conducting a new campaign should be between 4 and 5 different versions of an ad to test new beams and new styles. This may seem very long, but that is what you will improve your CTR and sometimes have very good surprises!

When you write your ads you have to identify which keywords are magic react your hot prospects. Those magic words may be a price (ex: 1 week 799 € Barcelona). By putting forward these magic words that you attract people really interested in your products and services. In this example a person who wants a low-cost travel to Barcelona do not click, but a person who wants to stay "pleasure" will be interested.

Google Adwords Tip: depending on your position you have no interest in setting prices or attract calls with free. If you have quality products or you're on a niche, you have every interest in putting forward a more specific your price. To verify that your offer is not deceptive (= it attracts the world, but people are not conquered by your offer), check the time left on your pages (if an average close to 0, this means clicker that have seen your site, but your offer is ultimately not suitable. This means that you have lost money because the click you pay only served nothing). If the time users stay on your pages is low then you must either change your ad to an ad least "misleading" or that you must put forward another product, or you must create a specific product ...

Google Adwords Tip: Try selling 2 stroke! If you sell technology products or which have a complex decision-making (no impulse buying), rather than to attract the customer by price or by selling momentum, we must offer something "Free" to attract the prospect and then to sell your product. For example: report free book ... which presents a problem and how to fix it.

Google Adwords Tip: If you change the destination URL you lose your quality score (your web page has changed the score will also change). It is therefore quite advisable to bring a new ad if you change the name of the destination URL and not the page itself ...

Special case of dynamic titles with the tag KEYWORD:

It is the opposite strategy to optimize the titles of ads. Indeed securities dynamic Google Adwords allow you to include in your ad title (or in the body of the announcement) exactly what the user typed into a search engine.
In theory, it is very effective: the user sees your advertising exactly what they need ... In practice this means the rabattage a maximum of less qualified prospects. Therefore a strategy to use when the price per click is not expensive or if the objective of your campaign is to recruit a maximum of prospects!

The syntax is as follows recommended (KeyWord: text-alternative-if-displayed text-to-upper-25-characters)


House 4 people
150m from the sea - 350 € / week

Of course with some different syntax:

Keyword = () keyword typed appear in the ad, but beware, if the word is too large it will be cut ...

(Keyword: text =) if the keyword is too long, is "text" that appears.

(KeyWord: Text) = The first letter of each word capitalized.
Top bet for launching a new campaign!

Now that you have keywords and ads must know how much to bet on your keywords. Normally you have multiple campaigns (themes, keywords highly sought ...).

Begin by entering an identical bid for all keywords (regardless of the amount is only for testing purposes). Then run the "live".
As against it should be put online a few seconds, immediately after the stop ... Indeed, the purpose of this online check is the minimum payable by keyword and the quality scores by keywords.

Before presenting what should be done, here's a review of the current campaign, which will allow us to see "what not to do".

In our example there were only 2 groups and campaign ads. This is a classic feature of Google Adwords campaigns to "amateur" little campaign ad groups, with a lot of keywords (including many inactive), which ultimately does not have "the keyword almost. " Indeed this campaign included a fifty keyword inactive (no clicks or displays), and the budget of 1 € / day for this campaign was never used up because there was not enough clicks ...

The mistake was classic: the auction bet by key word was just above the minimum bid, which meant that the ads were ranked 20th in the back seat and do not in the list ... That means that there was a vicious circle: very few displays, so a very low CTR, and always with a poor quality score ...

And therefore more time passed, the announcement was less visible, and there were fewer clicks. The only way was to raise more budget to click, but as the campaign was "weighed down" by its history (low CTR, poor quality score ...) the increase by euro cents after several days launch had virtually no effect.

On the contrary, when we put up a new Adwords campaign, you must bet a significant amount in cost per click (CPC) on strategic keywords from the campaign.

Indeed initially the only variable that you have real power to position your ad is the amount of CPC. Indeed you have no historical clickthrough rate, and you go from 0 while the ads already in place already have a history of CTR that will promote.

Your goal should be simple: to be posted as soon as possible on the first page to generate many clicks and greatly increase your CTR, and what you will exceed the ads currently positioned.

But the interest is that once your campaign installed Google will naturally diminish day by day how much you pay per click, especially after several drops in Google that you can reduce the cost per click any retaining the top positions.

Again attention, does not decrease too quickly your cost per click or you'll drop your ranking at the same time as your budget ... You must allocate this decline over several days by reducing your budget of only 0.05 or 0.1 every time , At the decline by maintaining your CPC. By doing this you should be able to reduce your Adwords budget from 5 to 10% while remaining well positioned in the list of ads displayed.

In the end, you must consider the additional cost of starting an advertising investment that you will return over the long term.

On the keyword "Holiday" is to build 1 € / click at the outset. Normally the announcement should happen quickly on the first page (it is a word with a lot of research, and an ad generates a very attractive rate of click allowing it to arrive in the first 5).
The same day, the price finally paid to click is not 1 but € 0.97 €. It was not until ...
2 days later he moved to 0.94 € ... but nothing should be done!
4 days after he went to 0.88 € ... this is the time to lower the price slightly to 0.96 per click (and not € 0.88).
5 days after he went to 0.85 € with the same place ... We must still wait.
6 days after he went to 0.83, then move to 0.92 €
As the day your CPC will become lower and you can also decline, while allowing you to stay in good position.

This strategy must of course be applied only on very competitive keywords. For keywords with little competition where you can easily reach the top, just to build an amount exceeding the minimum amount to get into the top slots. The rule to follow is to try to quickly reach the top positions, even gradually decrease.

Google Adwords Tip: often by paying just above the minimum pay you get a quality score "Excellent", but with a very distant positioning ... We must not let the auction at this level, but the increase to back in positioning. Indeed a good quality score and poor positioning is useless.

Google Adwords Tip: If you spend virtually all your maximum budget Adwords in the day, this is not a good sign ... This usually means that your daily budget is reached before the end of the day ... you must increase the budget and see what is the minimum investment (nb: if you do not have the budget, then see what is the ROI keywords, and possibly re-allocate the budget).

Google Adwords Tip: You can maximize the hours of times your ads: you bet students, it is not worth displaying advertisements all day, but at noon, evening and weekends.

Google Adwords Tip: If you have a keyword or two major and very expensive, it is interesting to create an ad for the singular and the plural with specific ads. Indeed depending on the price of the keyword CTR and it is possible to pay (a little) cheaper to click, and thus to save money on volume.

Google Adwords Tip: If you do not have a big marketing budget, try to make a promotion to Start exceptionnelle your campaign to attract most clicks. Indeed Google believes that you have more clicks, your ad is more relevant.
Consolidate your keywords automatically groups

One of the most practical Google Adwords Editor is to consolidate ads automatically in groups (Tools Menu> Keyword Grouper). This tool is very interesting because it can create a few tens of seconds of ad groups with keywords, which is strongly recommended by Google to improve the quality score.

For example, in our group "Star Search," Google Adwords Editor offers:

Google Adwords Tip: It is interesting for its strategic keywords to separate the keywords with Excellent quality score of those with a score mediocre or poor to create performing groups. Usually a group of keywords "classic" must contain between 15 and 20 words and phrases.
Not necessarily looking for the 1st position

The rule to be in the top positions is valid if we want to generate traffic, and it has a large budget, but not necessarily the most profitable keywords strong competition.

That is why for keywords not necessarily strategic, it must accept being third or fourth position, because the price difference is sometimes 3 times less expensive for a slightly lesser visibility.

In addition, if your ad is particularly relevant (good rate CTR) and a good quality score, you can expect an announcement naturally move from one position above.

As against remember that the Internet can hardly ever click beyond the first 5 answers, and therefore know that if you take the risk of being in 5th or 6th or 7th position you will receive far fewer prospects (but often more motivated) and the more you risk being ejected from your seat by a newcomer (it will therefore be monitoring your ranking).
Follow closely your new campaigns ... and try everything to zero if necessary!

New campaigns generally start slowly, but after a few days your ad must be better positioned and therefore generate more clicks. You should therefore carefully monitor the number of clicks, the position ... and possibly act on the budget, beaming, the offer ...

If this is not the case (ie after 100 to 300 clicks) or if the rate of visits to command is not good, then your ad or keywords are not good. It is better all over again! Indeed we should not insist on a campaign or ad group that has not worked. It is better to remove and rebuild an entirely new (or your history will fill ...).

There are tools to track your Google Adwords ads and automatically increase the amount payable (see our next party), but if you have some campaigns that Google Adwords is the easiest to monitor from time to time if keywords do not become inactive, if your number of prints or if your CTR does not collapse ...
To do this just to get to the root of your Google campaign in Google Adwords Editor and to sort the column "Off" (the name of this column will change soon).

keyword-inactive adwords

Google Adwords Tip: If you are in a very competitive industry it is often tempting to want to be its competitor at any price and therefore continually pay 0.1 € more to stay first. But ultimately it does make rich as google. It is much more profitable to work on its ads, its pages ... to improve its CTR and conversion rates.

Google Adwords Tip: there are some factors "hidden" that affect your quality score. For example Google Adwords does not like an ad that leads directly to an application for documentation (must be content with text) or a single image or too AdSense. We must therefore create pages quality, with links if necessary quality (Wikipedia ...).
Make a natural selection drastic!

It's probably one of the most important tips for successful Google AdWords campaigns: it must identify the keywords that you relate and those who plombent your performance:
- The "good" keywords will be an announcement specific group of keywords, ad name, URL ...
- The bad keywords must be removed (if they relate nothing) or displaced in campaigns with low yields.

To work effectively its selection of keywords must be taken into account the sales generated (and more margin processed), for example using Google Analytics ... but we shall see in Part 2 of the file.

For the moment we are already optimized "simple", based on impressions, clicks, positioning ... using the table below:

Here are below our campaign with keywords, and some optimizations that we made:

- "Rent houses" received 3 clicks, but for 2400 impressions ... This is a keyword that has some potential, but plombe the CTR of our campaign. We must therefore create its own campaign, create an ad with the words "Rental Properties", adding negative keywords not related to our campaign (August, August, betting, southern France ...). As it may be a search for rentals by city, we must also remove cities in France other than it (to just make a copy and paste from Wikipedia http://fr. / wiki / Grandes_villes_de_France)

- He has some words that have enough impressions (eg rent furnished house rentals, rental housing ...) which provide a large number of display but no clicks. Obviously these keywords are not valid for our ad, they must remove to improve the CTR for the campaign.

- The case of "Rent Britain" is against very interesting: it offers many research (933), and a good clickthrough rate (2.14%) despite a very distant position (26th position). It is therefore up on this request by offering an advertisement and especially a specific budget to click much more important to go back in the ranking.

- Adding new ad groups with keywords related to themes: September arrivals, Wednesday location, location Finistere ...
Optimize your landing pages

Once you have attracted visitors to your website must convince them to order. To do this a few principles to remember:
- The title of your landing page must resume if possible your ad text (at least the theme). If you are e-commerce and you can not 1 page per product, made a page with the main products in this category and add the words "Search for" Keyword "(where" keyword is the keyword Google's announcement).
- All information should be to order on the landing. Your prospects should not be required to consult with other pages to be convinced to order. You must tell them what they need to know, and where they must click to buy (a big 'Buy Now' button, price, costs, availability, technical information ...).
- Do not write too much text, the information must be legible (possibly propose a data sheet in PDF ...), you must have a clear offer (maximum two products to order, but not "dilemma" with 3 or 4 products to choose) for additional information add links to not overload the page (HTML text link must be very visible) ...
- Add a "safety net" if your prospect still has doubts: insert your phone number or a better call back (automatic in 1 click, for example via
Conclusion of the first part of Google Adwords File

The purpose of this first part was to give you the tools to implement your own Google Adwords campaign, but also to improve an existing campaign.

In the next part of the file we will further optimize Google Adwords ads:
- Creation of advertising-type "images".
- Add your ad in Google Maps.
- Managing campaigns with Google AdSense.
- Using optimization homepages (Landing Pages) google.
- Presentation of some automation tools and monitoring Google Adwords campaigns.
- The system of home pages turnkey Google.
- ...

A final piece of advice to remember: managing Google ads in a professional manner takes a long time, there are lot of tricks, optimization of parameters ... Attention on the one hand not to spend too much time, but you leave lead by the madness (and easy) auctions and raise prices to drive traffic ...

Use Google Adwords can quickly become a game of poker, where the concept of money spent is more visible ... We must always think before "bet", set a budget to spend and know ... Please stop Do not you play the "real money" to each click!

Remember also that for a campaign of a few thousand euros per month, it takes 4 to 5 hours / week optimization, plus 1 afternoon each month to test, optimize its ads, find new keywords ... That is the price to pay if you could quickly see your keywords become inactive, or lose your ads performance!

If you want help in managing your Google Adwords campaigns, please send us an email to and we will put you in connection with our partners in managing Adwords campaigns.

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