This classification is designed to analyze one of these 3 sources of visits which ones have the most potential. In fact over the months, nearly 32 new Digg like that appeared on the net (see table), also accompanied many disappearances (,, com ...)
As each class, we will analyze traffic on (target B2B), but the novelty of this classification fall is that we have incorporated in the benchmarking test blog Info & News "with articles devoted general public (B2C target, with jokes and information on personal finance) hosted by Blogger (note that we did not use social networks to promote this blog that remains to do tests ...). The new classification will allow us to reduce the bias to the nature of B2B
3 major trends in the world Digg-likes / Bookmarking / Social Networks
1 - The slowing global visits by Digg Likes.
We are many professionals in the eMarketing noted that despite great efforts to post our most interesting articles on Digg like, the return on investment of time is a free fall. Indeed, even if the overall Digg likes to make more visits, it now does more for tickets as "average", only tickets top quality new or coming out of the lot ... In recent weeks we have doubled the number of articles published without seeing any major impact (and even our good articles attract almost anyone!).
The main reason is competition between the tickets mailed has become extremely strong in recent months. For example Scoopeo on the weekend of November 23 is not less than 287 scoops that have been proposed, or 1 every 10 minutes ... including the night! Given the plethora of items, most of the articles published do not receive sufficient and thus have only a click (yours), while less than a year an article quality harvested at least 3 or 4, which allowed him to be eligible for the Holy Grail of the home page ..
There are few articles that reach the home page for many reasons:
- The lack of voters on our sites: The passivity of readers is one thing (see the example of this ticket on the right where we asked readers to directly vote on the article as a result ... with 2 votes).
- Lack of visibility of the current plugins there is also much
- The creation of support groups via Twitter certain blogs to go up in the ranking.
However, if a ticket to the home page might be the jackpot: one of our articles which has Buzz to harvest alone over 1025 visits in three days with Scoopeo ... But it is not always the case because the other 2 homepages we made have not reached half that figure ...
The Digg Like remain relevant to generate traffic especially on the news "fun" or articles "Premium", but also to make referrals or set up a watch. But it became very difficult to make a place which saw the crowd rushed them.
The proof is our latest free eBook "The Best Advice Marketing 2008", which received 4 clicks on Scoopeo 10 days, although it has been downloaded more than 1 500 times.
2 - The rise of social networks.
At the opposite, the social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook ...) saw their number of members increase, and thus become a real alternative communication platform. For example Facebook groups like "Why live in love and cool water, if you can live sex and alcohol" has almost 200 000 people!
Any good eMarketeur must therefore learn to use new tools, the most emblematic Viadeo, Facebook and Twitter has attracted nearly 4 500 people in 6 months.
Adding the first 10 visitors to the classification, we see that they represent 2 / 3 of total visits and total first 20 80% (while the 100 did that last 20%). If we need to focus on some sites, it is the leaders that we must act!
3 - Likes Digg have been recognized as "not responsible" for their content.
The verdict of the trial Fuzz / Olivier Martinez fell on Friday, the company Eric Dupin was not responsible for the link posted by a user on its site.
This means that Digg will Likes to breathe again, and we will undoubtedly assist in the months to come to the creation of numerous clones ... unless the trial Wikio / Olivier Dahan does not change the situation!
The Top 10 Digg-likes / Bookmarking / B2B Social Networks
No. 1
The leader returns to its first place despite endless failures, delays irritation and crashes as a result of delays too great.
It is the No. 1 with 2449 hits in 6 months, an average of 408 per month (240 or more if we cancel the peak of more than 1,000 visits). As against, it is clear that visitors to Scoopeo are less interested in content than the average visitors.
No. 2: Viadeo
Of course, it is pertinent that in B2B, and unnecessary for News & Tips. However it should be noted that attracted 2241 visitors, 90% of what Scoopeo. This proves that the media is particularly effective in driving traffic to business information, and that is a credible alternative to the likes Digg, visitors are also generally more concerned than those of Scoopeo (1.92 page views / 1.57).
Despite less time spent using this tool over the past few weeks, this site is still up 49% of its visitors in the space of 6 months.
No. 3: Wikio
The strong growth of Wikio (66% visiting and 4 places in the ranking), is mainly because became for a few months the number of category 1 Marketing, which allowed us to obtain a Increased visibility.
No. 4: Facebook
Although it is more oriented B2C (the number of page views lower), is nevertheless a network that brings thousands of visitors. As against it requires a lot of time to both communicate information, but also to maintain its network over a Digg Like where you just posting a simple link. Therefore, lack of time it fell by 2 places.
No. 5:
Also fell by 2 spot for a technical unavailability of several days, but also by a lack of visibility due to its highly thematic. However, visitors are still very good.
No. 6:
The Digg like tutorials to maintaining in the ranking, with a good natural search of Google, and that quality information is published.
No. 7:
The High Tech Like Digg has become increasingly used by other websites, and thus the competition is tougher to appear. However, the selection is good, giving a good visibility to its articles. 32% less visits are partly explained by subjects less high tech during the last period.
No. 8: MSN Reporter
The Belgian Digg like Microsoft has made a great progress in recent months (30%) for the simple reason that there are fewer new positions on this Like Digg, which allows our new to have a chance to appear in home page.
No. 9 StumbleUpon
This site has dropped sharply since the classification we have just used this tool to promote our products in recent months, but 80% since the visits of the period had concentrated around an article that was a real rush with over 900 visits.
No. 10 Paperblog
This is the surprise of this ranking, with an increase of 67% to 86 monthly visits. The increase in the number of visitors must come through a change in the graphic chart of the site, and may be a better listing on Google. Nevertheless, for a service that does not take time (the update is automatic) is one of the best returns on investment.
We did not experience on Digg likes étrangés (except, resulting in Digg likes foreigners appear almost in the Top 10. back sharply, and it is sure it will be further invigorated by the fact Eric Dupin has won his trial!
Come4news decline in the ranking, because of the large number of videos posted on, and they may have on their site.
Twitter is up sharply (14 seats), following the tests we carried out in November (an article will be dedicated in early December)., represents a new kind of sites to distribute its content. Indeed as "" it allows users to record on the home page what we do today. has stalled for several months, it is possible to add new ones, and therefore the site loses many places. is in collapse, as, Yoolink, Bluegger, pickaxe, Blogometrie (he no longer enjoys the support of Caledosphere) ... we hope that the webmaster will be able to restart because they are historical actors in the world likes of Digg!
It is worth noting the launch of (ex Kestufe) based on an engine like that of Twitter seems to have found its place in the blogosphere of New Caledonia.
The Top 10 Digg-likes / Bookmarking / Social networks B2C
No. 1 Scoopeo.
For info & Tricks is the No. 1 with 202 visits per month (and we've posted a few news for our tests).
No. 2: (humor)
With 88 visits per month, the second is relatively less Scoopeo ... but it is a source of interest if you publish articles humorous content.
No. 3: MSN Reporter
With 87 visits / month, like Digg general is affordable, even for a small blog.
No. 4:
If offers information on People, the Digg Like interview is of course essential to ...
No. 5:
Although it is strongly oriented high tech, it is possible to spend a few items that are more or less derivatives.
No. 6: Come4news
We have posted only one article, the theme of the blog is not too appropriate to the writing of news items. It is therefore a very high ranking!
No. 7: Zataz
This site is fond information geek, one or two items have managed to generate a little traffic but it is not really the right target.
No. 8: ABCDaire (tutorial)
This digg like tutorials is one of the best surprises of this list, because even if it fails to meet tutmarks, rising sharply in both rankings (18th in B2B for a new site).
No. 9: Jook (Jokes)
The competitor blooops remains much less popular, with 25% of visits from his brother. But nothing is lost yet, with 22 visits per month, the margin of increase is significant.
No. 10: DingueduWeb
Just as in the Top 10 B2B, this site has a captivated audience and generate visits although ergonomics and philosophy is not designed to focus on websites.
Here is the link to the complete top 100 in french
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